Automated Network Penetration Testing

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December 11, 2023

The use of advanced technologies developed for automated Network penetration testing to find and assess vulnerabilities assessment inside a security framework is what automated network penetration testing entails.

 These tools seek to exploit these assess the scope of prospective threats and comprehend their overall impact. The procedure is primarily in assessing an organization’s publicly exposed assets, such as websites, applications, and network infrastructures.

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An astounding 91% of web applications are susceptible to data breaches, with user identities being compromised in about 84% of these incidents.

Optimal security practices are only effective when implemented correctly. However, when there are shortcomings in these security measures, it becomes imperative to adopt a proactive stance. This involves the identification, rectification, and enhancement of security protocols. Penetration testing plays a crucial role in this proactive security strategy.

This article delves into the intricacies of automated penetration testing. It highlights the contrast between automated and manual penetration testing methods, delineates the various checks that are part of a pentest, and even provides a rundown of the leading automated penetration testing tools to assist in making an informed choice. Let’s explore these aspects in more detail.

Understanding Penetration Testing:

Penetration testing is a critical methodology that involves probing and exploiting vulnerabilities in a security system. This process is essential for assessing the potential threats and consequences of a cyberattack.

It specifically evaluates your organization’s internet-facing components, such as websites and subdomains, examining them for security gaps.

Effective penetration testing goes beyond merely identifying vulnerabilities. It explores various methods to exploit these weaknesses and evaluates the potential impact on the application being tested.

The process of penetration testing is intricate and time-consuming but is undeniably vital for several reasons:

  • It uncovers crucial security flaws.
  • Enhances the overall security stance.
  • Boosts the provider’s reliability and trustworthiness.

There are two predominant approaches to conducting penetration tests.

Traditionally, penetration testing has been a mostly human endeavor augmented by automated techniques on occasion. The goal of this strategy is to replicate a hacker’s attitude, burrowing deep into the system with minimal effort by circumventing substantial security features.

Manual penetration testing, on the other hand, is a comprehensive and labor-intensive process that involves substantial planning and execution. In contrast, automated penetration testing is critical for continuously monitoring vulnerabilities, allowing you to stay current on security issues while planning for your next manual penetration test.

Understanding Automated Network Penetration Testing:

Automated penetration testing, often referred to as Vulnerability Scanning, involves the utilization of sophisticated automated tools to assess and identify security vulnerabilities within a system.

Automated network penetration testing

The use of automated techniques for conducting penetration testing and security audits considerably improves the process’s efficiency. This method differs from typical manual penetration testing, which necessitates substantial human resources and incurs more expenditures. Automated penetration testing is notable for its speed, giving full results in record time, spanning from seconds to a few minutes.

Solution for Automated Network Penetration Testing:

NextdoorSec Security’s cutting-edge vulnerability scanner provides on-demand automated Network penetration testing. It expertly discovers over 3000 vulnerabilities, providing instant answers such as the CVSS score, potential bug-bounty impact, and more. The vulnerability database is constantly updated, ensuring that the most recent security threats are covered.

Key features of NextdoorSec’s Pentest Scanner encompass:

  • Authenticated Scanning Capability: Our system supports authenticated scanning, enabling thorough examination of user/admin interfaces post-login.
  • Instantaneous Alert Reporting: We provide real-time alerts during the scanning process. This approach allows for immediate visibility of vulnerabilities as they are detected, setting us apart from certain tools that only reveal findings post-scan.
  • Manual Issue Verification: Our team of security experts manually reviews each reported issue to confirm its significance and eliminate redundant alerts.
  • Prioritization Scoring System: We offer a unique scoring system for each identified issue, aiding developers in effectively prioritizing critical tasks and ensuring vital issues are addressed promptly.
  • Comparative Grading System: Our grading system evaluates your website against a vast array of tested sites and applications, offering insightful perspectives on your site’s security performance.
  • Compliance Assistance: The automated pentest form is designed to facilitate compliance. It includes specialized scans that pinpoint areas of non-compliance, which can be addressed using our detailed compliance reports.
  • Certification of Automated Network Penetration Testing: Following the completion of the automated pentest, including remediation and rescan provided by NextdoorSec, customers receive a NextdoorSec pentest certificate. This certificate signifies the enhancement and strengthening of their security posture.

NextdoorSec’s Pentest Scanner is not just a tool; it’s a comprehensive security solution designed to keep your digital assets safe and compliant in the ever-evolving cyber landscape.

Exploring the Nuances of Automatic vs. Manual Penetration Testing

The realm of penetration testing encompasses two distinct methodologies – automatic and manual. Each approach holds unique value in the sphere of cybersecurity.

Automated penetration testing excels in speed and simplicity. It combines the efficiency of technology with the nuanced understanding of manual strategies. On the other hand, manual penetration testing is unparalleled in assessing the real-world implications of security breaches. Also, read mobile app penetration testing for more information.

Automated network penetration testing

Comparative Overview:

  • Automated network Penetration Testing:
    • Defined as an automated procedure to identify vulnerabilities, automated penetration testing leverages sophisticated tools to scan systems.
    • Its rapid execution is a key advantage, significantly reducing the time required for assessments.
    • This approach is both low-effort and effective, adept at scanning networks for security gaps efficiently.
    • However, it falls short of offering an in-depth analysis of identified vulnerabilities.
    • Automated testing is exceptionally proficient at detecting common security oversights such as outdated software, incorrect permission settings, and misconfigurations.
    • It can be conducted regularly with minimal prior preparation, making it a convenient choice for frequent assessments.
  • Manual Penetration Testing:
    • Manual penetration testing, a thorough examination conducted by skilled security experts, involves detailed scrutiny of your security infrastructure.
    • This process is time-intensive, often extending over several days to ensure comprehensive coverage.
    • It necessitates careful planning and meticulous preparation to execute a full-scale manual test.
    • Unlike automated testing, it delves deeper, offering intricate insights into vulnerabilities.
    • Manual testing excels in detecting complex issues like business logic errors, hidden loopholes, and coding discrepancies, including the exploitation of these flaws to understand their impact.
    • Due to its demanding nature in terms of time and effort, it is not as frequently employed as its automated counterpart.

In summary, both automated and manual penetration testing methods are integral to a robust cybersecurity strategy, each serving distinct roles in the protection of digital assets. The choice between them hinges on the specific needs and contexts of the security infrastructure in question.

Automated Network Penetration Testing: Comprehensive Security Assessment

Automated penetration testing tools conduct a thorough examination of your application, identifying a range of potential security risks. These tools are designed to detect various vulnerabilities and bugs, including but not limited to:

Vulnerability Analysis

Automated network penetration testing
  • SQL Injection Vulnerability: Identifying risks in database interactions.
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Vulnerability: Checking for scripts injected into web pages.
  • Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF): Testing for unauthorized commands from a user’s browser.
  • Information Disclosure Risks: Assessing exposure of sensitive data through URLs, HTTP Referrer Headers, or error messages.
  • Weak Authentication Mechanisms: Evaluating the strength of authentication processes.
  • Security Headers Analysis: Inspecting for missing security headers that protect against various attacks.
  • Personal Identifiable Information (PII) Exposure: Determining the risk of PII being disclosed.
  • Accessible Public Files: Reviewing publicly available files for sensitive content.
  • Unauthorized Access Vulnerabilities: Testing defenses against unauthorized access attempts.

Bug Detection

  • Cross-Domain JavaScript Source File Inclusion: Identifying risks in including JavaScript files from different domains.
  • Absence of Anti-CSRF Tokens: Checking for the lack of tokens that prevent CSRF attacks.
  • Missing SSL Certificates: Assessing the usage of SSL for secure communications.
  • Reverse Tabnabbing: Evaluating vulnerabilities related to tab navigation in browsers.
  • Insecure Cookie Practices: Inspecting cookies for security weaknesses.
  • Cookie Poisoning Analysis: Identifying risks in cookie manipulation.
  • .htaccess Information Leakage: Checking for unintended disclosure of server configuration.
  • Proxy Vulnerabilities: Assessing risks associated with proxy server configurations.
  • Outdated Software Versions: Scanning for risks associated with using outdated versions of software and applications.

This in-depth examination ensures a thorough review of your application’s security posture, emphasizing areas in which modifications are required for increased protection against a wide range of cyber-attacks.

Tools for Automated Network Penetration Testing

While accepting its limitations, the importance of automated penetration testing in identifying easily accessible and sometimes missed vulnerabilities in systems cannot be emphasized.

Below is a list of various tools that enable you to perform penetration testing autonomously:

  • NextdoorSec Security: NextdoorSec stands out in delivering automated penetration testing services of global standards, ensuring zero false positives through meticulous verification processes.
  • Nessus by Tenable: This is an excellent commercial solution for system scanning, offered by Tenable.
  • Metasploit: Renowned for its user-friendliness, Metasploit is ideal for extensive penetration testing.
  • OpenVAS: This tool is accessible for free and offers sophisticated scanning capabilities along with a comprehensive framework.
  • BurpSuite: Known for its versatility, BurpSuite offers both an open-source version and a premium version enriched with additional features.
  • Nikto: A robust open-source option for automated penetration testing.
  • Nmap: Essential for network exploration, Nmap facilitates the identification of network ports and assets.
  • SQLmap: This tool excels in identifying and mitigating injection attack vulnerabilities.

These are just a few examples of the many tools available for effective penetration testing.


We looked into the complexities of automated penetration testing in this extensive investigation. We started by explaining its definition before moving on to outline the various processes required in conducting such tests. A considerable portion of our talk was devoted to contrasting automated penetration testing with its manual counterpart, emphasizing the distinct characteristics and benefits of each approach

In addition, we cataloged the wide range of tests commonly used in this domain. Our discussion also included a review of some of the best automated penetration testing tools on the market. These tools stand out for their ability to conduct penetration testing quickly and easily while uncovering security weaknesses. It is critical to make an informed decision when incorporating these tools into your cybersecurity strategy.

Lucas Maes

Lucas Maes


Cybersecurity guru, encryption wizard, safeguarding data with 10+ yrs of IT defense expertise. Speaker & author on digital protection.

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