How to Fix a DDoS Attack on Your Router in 2023?

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October 25, 2022

DDoS (distributed denial of service) attacks have been steadily rising in the IT sector recently. Years ago, DDoS assaults were viewed as little inconveniences committed by inexperienced attackers for entertainment, and they were pretty simple to counter. 

But now the circumstances are not like that anymore. DDoS assaults have evolved into a technical activity that is now a big game, harming everyone badly. In addition to affecting current customer relationships, a successful DDoS attack harms a company’s productivity. So, how to fix a DDoS attack on your router? Here are some tips for you.

DDoS Attack

How to Fix a DDoS Attack on Your Router?

A distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS) is a manipulative effort to block a system, service, or site’s regular traffic by flooding the target or its neighboring substructure with excessive Internet traffic. 

DDoS attacks become successful by using several hacked computer networks as carriers of attack traffic, computers, and other connected sources, like IoT devices, which can be targeted tools. When viewed from a distance, a DDoS attack resembles an unusual traffic problem that blocks the roadway and keeps ordinary traffic from reaching its target.

A DDoS attack overloads the targeted company activities with HTTP requests and traffic, preventing genuine users from accessing some or all of its facilities and resulting in a severe slowdown. According to a report, there were 2.9 million DDoS attacks, up 31% over the corresponding time in 2020. So you must take steps to fix this issue. 

How to Fix a DDoS Attack on Your Router?

There are various DIY methods for handling DDoS assaults if you understand software and servers or if your IT staff does. Popular techniques like rate limitation stop low-level assaults by restricting how frequently an attacker can carry out specific tasks. 

Additionally, since DDoS assaults are persistent, it is simple to distinguish between genuine and unauthorized traffic. There are some basic (and simple) general guidelines to adhere to if you don’t know how to control or reduce network traffic.

Get in Touch with your ISP or Online Security Service.

First, get in touch with your ISP or a security provider. They can resolve your issue promptly if you can access outside security assistance. You may still get urgent help by contacting your ISP if you don’t have security protection.

Depending on the service, their options might differ, but most offer support services to deal with the expanding scope of DDoS assaults.

Also Read: How to Hire the Best IT Security Consultant: 4 Simple Tips

Inform Staff or Workers

There is a possibility that you may delay raising the alarm during an attack to get your bearings. But if many people look at the same or even the wrong problems, this could delay a fix and make it hard to get work done. You should thus inform IT and any other staff members who may be involved as fast as possible.

Control Security Programmes and Policies.

How to Fix a DDoS Attack on Your Router?

It’s more crucial than ever to upgrade your security program and use recent features. Most software programs provide screening tools to find and keep an eye on unusual behavior.

Check your browser’s security carefully. You may defend against assaults by simply upgrading your drivers and software. You can also use professional alternatives such as a web application firewall (WAF). By turning on a WAF, you can lessen the effects of the worst DDoS attacks.

Think about Simple Precautions

After an attack, various simple techniques increase your security and even reduce some of the most damaging effects.

Unplugging your broadband connection is typically the first approach to stopping an assault. This is particularly true if a DDoS attack occurs against your game panel. On the other hand, you can’t just disconnect some connections. Install your security program and try blacklisting IP addresses before unplugging.

Maintain a DDoS Strategy 

The most significant piece of DDoS advice is to be organized. You must know your strengths and weaknesses when you lead a big team or work independently. If you don’t know how to handle DDoS problems, you should find a server or security expert who does.


It’s crucial to act and to begin strengthening your defenses as soon as possible. Even if the damage can’t be stopped completely, you can still lessen some of its effects by taking the proper steps. If you are the target of an attack, keep a note of the source IP addresses and other relevant information for future use in case of another attack.


1. Can a router stop a DDoS attack?

While a standard home router can’t fully stop a DDoS attack, it can mitigate minor attacks by filtering certain types of malicious traffic. However, for larger-scale attacks, specialized enterprise-level hardware or services are needed for effective mitigation.

2. Can you fix a DDoS attack?

You can’t “fix” a DDoS attack once it’s ongoing, but you can mitigate its effects. Strategies include increasing bandwidth, deploying specialized anti-DDoS hardware or services, rerouting traffic, and filtering malicious traffic.

3. Does resetting the router fix DDoS?

Resetting a router can temporarily disrupt an ongoing DDoS attack, but it won’t prevent the attackers from launching the attack again. More comprehensive solutions are needed for lasting protection.

4. What is the best solution for a DDoS attack?

The best solution for DDoS attacks involves a multi-layered approach that includes increased bandwidth, deploying specialized anti-DDoS hardware or services, rerouting and filtering malicious traffic, and collaborating with your ISP for larger-scale mitigation.

Noor Khan

Noor Khan


My name is Noor, and I am a seasoned entrepreneur focused on the area of artificial intelligence. As a robotics and cyber security researcher, I love to share my knowledge with the community around me.

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