Outstanding Cyber Security Services in Liège

The necessity of strong cyber security cannot be stressed as the digital landscape evolves

Industry Expert

NextdoorSEC specialises in providing high-quality cyber security services for companies and individuals. With our comprehensive solutions, you can protect your critical data and your business.

Expertise in Liège 

We are a trusted partner in cyber security because we have a thorough awareness of the local business scene in Liège. Our skilled team is well-versed in the unique problems that businesses in the region confront. Count on our knowledge to strengthen your digital defences.

Comprehensive Solutions

NextdoorSEC provides a complete range of cyber security solutions tailored to individual and company needs.

External Penetration Testing

Get ready to put your network’s perimeter defenses to the ultimate test with external penetration testing – a thrilling evaluation from the outside-in!
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Web App Penetration Testing

Get ready to give your website and custom applications a high-flying security check-up with web application testing – a thrilling assessment of their defenses!
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Phishing Testing

With our phishing testing services, you can rest assured that your employees are equipped to recognize and defend against sophisticated phishing attacks.
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Internal Penetration Testing

With internal penetration testing, you can stage a fake cyber attack from the inside and watch your network’s defenses swing into action! Improve your overall security posture.
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Tailored Consulting

Don’t settle for a one-size-fits-all approach to security! We’ll tailor a plan just for you. Looking for something not on our menu? Reach out and let us know – we’re here to help!
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Mobile App Penetration Testing

We perform mobile app penetration tests to identify vulnerabilities in your custom-built apps. Stay secure and dynamic with our cutting-edge techniques.
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Vulnerability Assessment

We quickly scan your IT infrastructure to identify vulnerabilities and boost your security posture. Trust us to help you stay secure and get back to the fun stuff – like running your business!
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Security Awareness Training

We believe that your employees are your first line of defense against cyber attacks. That’s why we offer comprehensive security awareness training that’s tailored to your organization’s specific needs.
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Benefits of Choosing Us

When you choose NextdoorSEC, you’re investing in more than just a security service – you’re choosing a dedicated partner committed to fortifying your digital landscape. Our team is proficient in offensive security and adept at identifying vulnerabilities by simulating cyberattacks. This proactive method provides unparalleled insights into potential threats, ensuring robust protection against real-world cybercrime.

With NextdoorSEC, your enterprise gains a fortified defence line, thereby enabling you to focus on what you do best – growing your business.

Experience the NextdoorSEC difference, where advanced security is not just an offering but a commitment.

Tailored Approach

We recognise that each business in Liège is unique. As a result, our cyber security solutions are targeted to the unique challenges that local businesses face. To produce effective outcomes, our team adopts a personalised strategy, taking into account your industry, size, and needs.


What are common cyber threats that businesses should be aware of?

Common cyber threats include malware, phishing attacks, ransomware, social engineering, insider threats, and DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks. Staying informed about these threats helps organizations take proactive measures to mitigate risks.

How can cyber security services help prevent data breaches?

Cyber security services employ various preventive measures. They also conduct regular penetration testing and security audits to identify and address potential system, network, and policy weaknesses.

What are the benefits of security awareness training for employees?

Security awareness training educates employees about potential cyber threats, teaches best practices for data protection, and helps them recognize and report security incidents promptly.

By raising employee awareness, organizations can significantly reduce the risk of human error and improve overall security posture.

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Antwerp, Belgium

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Are you prepared to beef up your cyber defenses and soar to new heights in the digital world?