Malwarebytes vs Bitdefender: Which One to Choose in 2023

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January 7, 2023

Do you know that 97 people every hour get victimized by cybercrime? This means every 37 seconds, a cybercrime takes place. With this high cybercrime rate, it is essential to have reliable antivirus software for your system. 

Bitdefender and malwarebytes are two top antivirus software, competing with many other famous names like Avast. Both secure your Windows PC, but which one to choose? This post is primarily about Malwarebytes vs. Bitdefender; read more to find out which is best.

Malwarebytes Vs Bitdefender

Malwarebytes and Bitdefender are well-known names in the cybersecurity industry for providing cutting-edge virus protection.

Both companies offer many of the same strategy expertise for prospective customers, so there is much to correlate in aspects of malware processing and tracking, backed gateways, and disaster recovery.

Many queries arise in one’s mind while choosing, like; Is Bitdefender better than Malwarebytes? Do I need both Bitdefender and Malwarebytes, etc.? Here I have compared the features of both to know about them. 

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Virus Protection

Both antivirus programs provide fast, deep, and standard scanning alternatives, but Bitdefender also includes a compatibility mode search. A rapid scan isn’t recommended either since, only if you have one of the finest AVs available, a quick scan will pass over the most apparent locations a malware can live, avoiding the less apparent sections of the hard disc.

Bitdefender also offers vulnerability inspection, which gives you a quick summary of your system’s vulnerability. Even on its premium package, Malwarebytes lacks this feature because of its more extensive scanning.

Final Verdict: Bitdefender offers you more protection against various viruses than Malware.

Real-Time Protection

It is constant supervision of potential offline and online risks in real-time by antivirus software. It is disappointing that Malwarebytes’ free plan does not provide real-time security, which means you’re vulnerable to various online threats whenever you connect to the web. 

Malwarebytes had a test accuracy of 98.8%, which is more than the average 97% of most rivals. In contrast, Bitdefender has a 99.7% test accuracy of severe risks, such as malicious emails and malware-infested websites.

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Final Verdict: Bitdefender provide more Real-Time protection than Malwarebytes.

Malwarebytes Vs. Bitdefender; Which One To Choose

System Efficiency

A quick scan with Malwarebytes will take a few minutes, and there won’t be any apparent decrease or increase in CPU load. While a thorough scan will take about an hour, you can quickly operate multiple tabs in the browser. You may experience a slow speed while installing particular software.

Bitdefender also has little to no impact on the speed of my PC. Moreover, there will be no decrease in the rate while installing software. While the whole scan runs in the background, you can multitask. Bitdefender was also almost twice as quick as Malwarebytes, completing a full scan in less than an hour. 

Final Verdict: Bitdefender is more efficient and fast than Malwarebytes.

Password Manager

  • Spyware cannot track your keystrokes if you use a password manager. 
  • It improves your protection in sectors that a regular antivirus cannot.
  • Malwarebytes doesn’t have this feature, while Bitdefender includes this feature in all its plans which is easy and quick.  

Parental Control

  • This feature allows you to track your kid’s offline and online activity. 
  • Bitdefender includes this feature enabling you to watch over your kid’s digital activities. 
  • Malwarebytes doesn’t have this feature.

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File Shredder

  • A shredder encrypts several levels of information onto the original file, rendering it almost worthless to an intruder even if they get access to a part.
  • With this feature, Bitdefender allows you to control your confidential data, although it will take some time. 
  • Malwarebytes doesn’t include this feature.

Virtual Private Network-VPN

  • Both antiviruses include this feature. 
  • Bitdefender includes VPN in every package with a data limit of 200MB/day. 
  • The premium package doesn’t have such a restriction but is limited to 27 nations. 
  • VPN of Malwarebytes has no data restriction and covers 30+ nations.
  • Malwarebytes’ VPN is a little slower, but it has more powerful unblocking features and succeeded in all quality checks.  


  • An essential factor that helps you to be secure online.
  • Bitdefender has a simple and strong firewall and a range of advanced features.
  • Malwarebytes doesn’t include this feature.

Customer Support

  • Malwarebytes provides two types of customer help: online chat and email.
  • The easiest way to contact the customer service team is through live chat.
  • Bitdefender offers extra support options, such as call help and a social forum, making customer service more reliable. 

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Bitdefender antivirus is expensive, but it makes up for it by providing slashing tools and the most recent malware scan algorithms.


With many benefits, Malwarebytes and Bitdefender assist many organizations in securing their IT systems. Both brands compete to incorporate the most up-to-date endpoint network security as the business grows.

Bitdefender had higher overall performance and more features than Malwarebytes, but Malwarebytes’ outstanding performance in the vital protection test is also noteworthy. If you find this article on Malwarebytes vs Bitdefender interesting, please feel free to share it with the community around you.

Noor Khan

Noor Khan


My name is Noor, and I am a seasoned entrepreneur focused on the area of artificial intelligence. As a robotics and cyber security researcher, I love to share my knowledge with the community around me.

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