VPN vs. Tor: What to Choose in 2023?

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October 6, 2023

In the modern age of digitization, online privacy has taken center stage. From casual browsers to cyber professionals, the urge to keep one’s data and identity secure is more significant than ever. At the forefront of this privacy movement stand two giants: VPNs and the Tor network. But what are they? How do they work? More importantly, which one should you pick for your needs? Let’s unravel this digital conundrum together!

What is a VPN?

A Virtual Private Network, commonly known as a VPN, is a tool that encrypts your internet connection and routes it through a remote server. This ensures that your online actions are shielded from prying eyes, whether they be hackers, governments, or ISPs.

There are many options available, from a free VPN server to premium services, each catering to different user needs. Users seeking complimentary options might explore VPN free online or look for the best free VPN options.

Reddit is a valuable resource for genuine user reviews. Threads like Best VPN Reddit, best VPNs Reddit, Reddit Best VPN, and Reddit Best VPNs are replete with user testimonials and recommendations.

What is Tor?

VPN vs Tor

Tor, short for The Onion Router, is a decentralized network of volunteer-run servers allowing users to browse the web anonymously. When using the Tor browser, your data is sent through multiple layers (hence the name ‘onion’), each adding an additional layer of encryption. 

Tor’s primary function is to protect users from traffic analysis and ensure anonymity. This is facilitated by the tor browser download, which allows users to access the internet securely. A significant feature of Tor is the onion browser, which helps access .onion websites only available on the Tor network.

Also See: Experts Weigh In VPN vs. Firewall – Which Is Best for Your Needs?

VPN vs. Tor: A Detailed Comparison

Purpose and Functionality

Why use a VPN?

VPNs mask your online identity, replacing your IP address and encrypting data transfers. They’re excellent for accessing geo-restricted content or ensuring security on public Wi-Fi networks.

Primary Uses of Tor

Tor primarily aids in achieving anonymity. The multi-layered encryption ensures users’ locations and usage remain untraceable, which is a boon for those in oppressive regimes or high-censorship countries.

Layers of Privacy

Encryption in VPN

VPNs employ strong encryption protocols, ensuring the user’s data remains unreadable by potential snoopers.

Onion Routing in Tor

Tor gets its name from its multi-layered encryption, much like the layers of an onion. Data is encrypted in multiple layers, passing through several volunteer-operated servers, each removing one layer, before reaching its final destination.

Advantages of VPN

Speed and Stability

VPNs usually provide faster connection speeds and more stability, making them perfect for streaming, gaming, or regular browsing.

Wider Geographical Reach

With a VPN, users can appear as if they’re from any part of the world, bypassing geo-blocks and accessing content freely.

Advantages of Tor


Tor’s major strength is the anonymity it offers. The multiple layers and random pathways ensure a user’s identity remains hidden.

Open Source Nature

Tor’s open-source nature means a collective effort in its development, resulting in constant updates and improvements.

Limitations of VPN

Dependent on the Service Provider

The efficacy of a VPN largely hinges on the service provider. Some might log user data, negating the purpose of using a VPN.

Potential Logging

While many VPNs promise no-log policies, there have been instances where user data was stored, leading to potential breaches.

Limitations of Tor

Slow Connection Speed

Due to its multiple layers and pathway changes, Tor often results in slower connections, making it less ideal for streaming or downloading.


Despite its strong anonymity features, Tor isn’t impervious. Attackers might exploit certain vulnerabilities, especially at the exit nodes.

VPN vs. Tor for Streaming

VPN’s Global Content Access

VPNs are often the go-to for streaming. They provide faster speeds and access to geo-restricted content, be it movies, series, or sports events.

Tor’s Restricted Streaming Capabilities

Using Tor for streaming isn’t recommended due to its slow speeds. Moreover, some streaming services block Tor nodes.

Cost Implication

Paid VPN Services

Many VPNs come with a price, offering advanced features and better performance.

Tor being Free

The Tor browser, on the other hand, is entirely free, making it a cost-effective solution for anonymity.

Use Cases: VPN

Business and Remote Work

VPNs are essential for businesses, providing secure remote access to their networks and safeguarding sensitive data.

Safe Online Shopping

Online shoppers can benefit from VPNs, ensuring their financial details remain encrypted and away from prying eyes.

Use Cases: Tor


Tor provides a platform for whistleblowers to share information without fear of retribution.

Censored Internet Access

For those in countries with internet censorship, Tor offers a gateway to the unrestricted web.

How They Work

VPN Tunneling

VPNs create a virtual tunnel, encrypting data and keeping it away from potential interceptors.

Tor’s Network of Nodes

Tor sends data through several nodes, with each only aware of its immediate predecessor and successor, ensuring that the data’s path remains untraceable.

Security Vulnerabilities

VPN’s Possible Leaks

VPN vs Tor

Despite their encryption, some VPNs might leak IP or DNS details, which could expose a user’s identity.

Tor’s Exit Node Risks

Data is decrypted at Tor’s exit nodes. If these nodes are compromised, user data could be at risk.

VPN vs. Tor

When to Use a VPN

VPNs are great for general privacy, secure browsing, and accessing restricted content.

When to Use Tor

Tor should be used when utmost anonymity is required, especially in high-risk situations.

VPN and Tor Together

Some tech-savvy users combine the two for enhanced security. Using Tor with VPN means connecting to the VPN first, then accessing the internet through the Tor browser. This setup, known as “Tor over VPN” or tor on VPN, ensures your ISP cannot see you’re using Tor. On the flip side, Tor as a VPN or VPN Tor is less common, but it involves connecting to the Tor network first, followed by activating the VPN.


In the great debate of “VPN vs. Tor”, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer. It all hinges on your needs, preferences, and what you’re comfortable with. Both tools have their advantages and pitfalls. While a VPN might be the perfect fit for a business professional looking to encrypt their data, Tor might be the go-to for activists working in repressive regions. No matter the choice, ensuring online privacy is paramount in today’s digital era.

If you’re looking to further understand which solution is best suited for your needs, or if you’re seeking comprehensive cybersecurity services, it might be worth consulting professionals who specialize in this field. Nextdoorsec is a leading cybersecurity firm with expertise in various online protection methods. 


1. Why shouldn’t you use a VPN with Tor? 

Using a VPN with Tor can potentially reduce the anonymity that Tor provides. A VPN service can see your real IP address and might keep logs, which, if compromised, can trace back to the user. Additionally, using both together can slow down connection speeds.

2. Is Tor better than VPN? 

It depends on the use case. Tor provides higher anonymity by routing traffic through multiple volunteer nodes, making it hard to trace back to the source. VPNs offer encryption and mask the IP address but rely on the trustworthiness of the VPN provider. For maximum anonymity, Tor is superior, but for general privacy and speed, a VPN might be preferable.

3. Is VPN as safe as Tor?

VPNs provide safety by encrypting your data and hiding your IP address, while Tor ensures anonymity with its multi-node relay system. However, the safety of a VPN largely depends on the integrity of the provider. Tor’s decentralized approach makes it inherently more resistant to surveillance, but it doesn’t guarantee safety from all threats.

4. Do I need Tor if I have a VPN? 

If your primary goal is to bypass geo-restrictions, protect against general surveillance, or ensure data encryption, a VPN might suffice. If you seek a higher level of anonymity, particularly against sophisticated adversaries, then using Tor might be essential.

5. Can you be tracked with VPN and Tor? 

While combining VPN and Tor enhances privacy, no system is 100% untraceable. Vulnerabilities, user errors, or advanced adversarial techniques can potentially compromise user privacy, even when both tools are used in conjunction. Always exercise caution and stay informed about best practices.

Saher Mahmood

Saher Mahmood


Saher is a cybersecurity researcher with a passion for innovative technology and AI. She explores the intersection of AI and cybersecurity to stay ahead of evolving threats.

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