What are Some Risks and Benefits of Performing Penetration Testing?

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September 26, 2021

In cyber security, various methods and tests are conducted to ensure the security barrier of a particular company. In this era, you cannot survive without conducting specific tests. One such test is penetration testing.

Now, this test helps you evaluate the security measures of your online business. Here is what you need to know about some risks and benefits of performing penetration testing.

What actually is pen testing?

Also known as pen testing, it’s one method through which you attempt to hack your system to get to an idea of the cyber security measures you’ve taken. This test is conducted multiple times to ensure all measures have been tested.

For this purpose, you have to hire a team of white hat hackers. They’ll test your cyber security measures, and you’ll have a report once they’ve done the testing.

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What are Different Types of Penetration Testing?

1: Internal Testing

Internal penetration testing exposes how hackers can access and damage your online systems. Knowing how even such minor attempts can exploit your data is essential.

2: External Testing

In external penetration testing, you’ll come to know how an outside hacker can penetrate your online presence. One actual test all web-based businesses should go through.

3: Blind Testing

These tests can expose how a real hacker could exploit your systems. It would help if you opted for this test.

What are the benefits of penetration testing?

1: You get to know the risks

Paying heavily to ethical hackers is to know the potential risks that aren’t in favor of your IT business. Then, you can work on those potential issues to strengthen your cyber security measures. So, going for such tests isn’t a bad idea.

Also read: How to Hire the Best IT Security Consultant: 4 Simple Tips

2: Vulnerabilities Revealed

So, do you think your system has all the bells and whistles to prevent a cyber attack? Well, think again. This is because not all IT firms have that secure defense system.

A pen test highlights the weak aspects of your business’s hardware and software elements. Thus, helping you work on the highlighted area to prevent cyber attacks.

What is the risk of penetration testing?

Though penetration testing has been improved a lot, there are some risks that you must know. Here are some of the dangers of penetration testing:

1: Data Corruption

Data is the key to any IT system. Unfortunately, in some cases, essential data might get corrupted for various reasons. However, the good news here is that if the whole process is done correctly, such risk can be minimized to a great extent.

2: Efficiency of the Final Outcome

Yes, the outcome of a penetration test is what matters. Therefore, if you go for a penetration test, you should hire experts who can evaluate the proper outcome. In the end, the outcome efficiency can be vital to consider.


Now you know some risks and benefits of performing penetration testing. It’s beneficial for businesses that want the best cyber security measures. These tests might be expensive, but their importance can’t be ignored. If you are looking for the best penetration testing service in Antwerp, Belgium, NextdoorSec should be your priority.


1. What are the risks of penetration testing?

The risks include potential disruption of services, unintentional data breaches, legal implications if not properly authorized, and the possibility of not detecting every vulnerability.

2. What are the benefits of penetration testing?

Benefits include identifying and rectifying vulnerabilities, demonstrating security posture to stakeholders, meeting compliance requirements, and preventing costly data breaches.

3. What are the pros and cons of penetration testing?

Pros: Uncovering vulnerabilities, enhancing security awareness, meeting regulatory standards, and preventing potential breaches.

Cons: Temporary service disruptions, costs involved, the possibility of false positives, and the risk of undetected vulnerabilities.

4. What are the risks of lack of penetration testing?

Risks include undetected vulnerabilities, increased susceptibility to cyberattacks, potential loss of customer trust, legal repercussions, and the financial costs of a data breach.

Noor Khan

Noor Khan


My name is Noor, and I am a seasoned entrepreneur focused on the area of artificial intelligence. As a robotics and cyber security researcher, I love to share my knowledge with the community around me.

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